Gemfields Customer Service Contact

Customer Helpline Number

24 hour UK service
Best calling hours
Mon-Fri 09:00-18:00
Calls to 118 212 cost £2.50 per call plus £0.75 per minute (minimum 1 minute charge), plus your phone companys access charge. Calls to international 118 412 cost £2.50 per call plus £0.75 per minute (minimum 1 minute charge), plus your phone companys access charge. The free number can be found here. You will be put through to the directory team

Gemfields Info


The Gemfields customer helpline contact number should provide you assistance in the following areas.

• Gemfields Adviceline
•Mining Enquiry

Contact Helpline


Calls may cost more from mobiles and other networks. You should be aware that you will not be connected directly to a Gemfields Customer Service agent. Contact helpline is in no way affiliated with Gemfields.

Additional Gemfields info


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Mail to


All problems & issues will be emailed directly to the appropriate departments. Fill in the form and state the nature of your enquiry.


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